
{ "APROutcome":"String content", "ApiUrl":"http:\/\/www.example.com\/", "Country":"String content", "Name":"String content", "NumberOfCourses":2147483647, "PUBUKPRN":"String content", "PUBUKPRNCountry":"String content", "QAAReportUrl":"http:\/\/www.example.com\/", "SortableName":"String content", "StudentUnionUrl":"http:\/\/www.example.com\/", "StudentUnionUrlWales":"http:\/\/www.example.com\/", "TEFOutcome":"String content", "UKPRN":"String content" }

Sample Feature Page

This is s sample feature page from our live demo. You will notice that there are a lot more on our live demo, but they are all the exact same page, just with a different image and text. For size purpsoes, we only included a few of these, including this sample page.

A collection of KIS data to display on the KIS Widget. WidgetData/help Widget Data Collection WidgetData A collection of KIS data to display available for Unistats. api/v4/KIS/help Unistats KIS Data Collection api/v4/KIS